Muschlitz Photography Portraits

Capturing Your Child's "Wonder Years"

Colorful & Natural Portraits for Every Stage of Your Child's Journey



Portrait Specialties

Murphy Family Valentine Mini Session - January 25, 2015 - -

Babies & Newborns

Taylor Family Winter Mini Session - December 6th, 2014 - -

Children & Families

Need some fresh portraits? Click here to learn more about our portrait photography services and what makes Muschlitz Photography unique.

High School Seniors

Key Family Portraits, July 30th, 2014, -



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Capturing Your Family's "Wonder Years"

From a baby's first breath to the pitter-patter of a toddler's feet, from a child's sense of wonder to a confident teen - These are what I call "the wonder years" - some of the most exciting and action-packed years of your life. 

But these years fly by and children grow quickly.  Parents often say that they just wish their children would stay "little", just a little while longer.

While we haven't found the secret to slowing time, it's not too late to preserve these moments and make them more than just a memory. 

At Muschlitz Photography I specialize in providing natural and colorful images of your child that highlight those things that make them unique at every stage of their journey. For me there is truly nothing better than capturing the wonder and love you have for your loved ones, and the wonder and love they have for the world.

Connecting with people and telling their stories through photographs are at the core of everything I do. Sometimes the best story of all is the one that shows the special love and connection that a family shares through a family portrait session. 

If you want to preserve these special moments during your child's "wonder years", please contact me for more information or to schedule your session.


Learn More About My Approach

Kind Words


"We chose Muschlitz photography to capture our wonder and love for our newborn son shortly after his entrance into the world.

As first time parents, there are many times you second guess yourself, but choosing Muschlitz Photography to capture these precious moments was not one of them! Throughout our session, they put us at ease as they expertly crafted poses, lighting and positioning to bring us photos that we will treasure for a lifetime.

The baby phase is flying by, and we are so grateful we have such fleeting moments captured in high quality, vividly-colored pictures.

Thank you, Muschlitz Photography for a great experience and beautiful product!"

- Krista, Eben, & Auggie


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