Should I Have a Hair or Make-up Trial Run?


Have a particular look in mind for your wedding day? Whether you want an simple up-do or long luxurious locks, or classic make-up or something bolder, make sure that you have a trial run with you hair and make-up artist at least a couple of months before the big day. A trial run will allow you to try out the hairstyle or make-up colors that you've been oogling over and see if it works for you. You can also get to know your hairstylist or make-up artist and learn what to expect on your big day. 

During your trial run, wou will also get a better idea for how long it will take for your hair and make-up to be done. Will your hairstyle take just 15 minutes? Or will it take at least an hour? Once you know this, you can make sure that you're scheduled in plenty of time to be looking your best before you walk down the aisle.

It's important to select and have had a trial run with the hairstyle and make-up that you would like for your wedding well in advance before the big day. If you don't like how your style turns out during the trial run, you can try something else. On your wedding day, time really flies by and things can take longer than you might guess. Save yourself some stress! By selecting and testing your hair and make-up in advance, you don't have to worry about extra time spent redoing your styles on the actual day of your wedding. 


Planning a wedding?

Are you recently engaged and planning your dream wedding in Columbus, Ohio? If you are looking for a wedding photographer to capture all the special moments and people on your big day, we'd love to talk to you! Click here to tell us all about it and learn if we are a good fit for you as wedding photographers. You can also reach us by calling 614.031.8579 or emailing us at [email protected].